Solutions Community

Solutions CommunityTechnology

6 Ways To Build A More Resilient Supply Chain

As it turns out, supply chain disruptions may be the biggest global shift in the post-COVID-19 “new normal.” After all, what business or consumer hasn’t been affected in some way by retail stockouts of essential items, the national labor shortage, ...
Solutions CommunityTechnology

Retailers Adapt Traditional Footprint To Accommodate Curbside Pickup

U.S. consumers spent more than $861 billion online in 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread, according to Digital Commerce 360. That represents a 44% year-over-year jump and the highest annual U.S. e-commerce growth in 20 years. Part of that growth ...
Solutions CommunityTechnology

E-Grocery Growing Pains? How Automation Provides A Cure

In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and spread globally, tens of millions of U.S. consumers tried online grocery shoppers for the first time — and liked it. According to eMarketer, “Online grocery sales grew 54.0% in 2020 to reach ...
EducationSolutions Community

Big Data Analytics And Its Value Across Supply Chain Operations

When successfully harnessed and leveraged, Big Data can give organizations insights into their business operations that enable better decision-making and add value across throughout supply chains, according to a white paper written by Oklahoma State University School of Industrial Engineering ...
Solutions CommunityWorkforce

Six Ways Automation Addresses Old And New Labor Issues

Staffing distribution centers and warehouses was challenging even before COVID-19 emerged in 2020, as unemployment rates have remained historically low over the past several years while competition for scarce workers drove wages increasingly higher. With the onset of the pandemic ...
EducationSolutions Community

Preview ProMatDX 2021’s Must-See Technologies In Solutions Community’s Education Session

With this year’s installment of ProMatDX 2021 occurring entirely in a new online, digital format, you may be wondering how to find the latest must-see technologies while making sure you don’t miss a thing. To address those concerns and help ...
Solutions CommunityTechnology

Warehouse Software: Discerning The Differences Between WMS, WCS And WES

Not so long ago, the softwares that governed the operation of warehouses, distribution centers, and fulfillment centers were fairly delineated in their functions, with each handling a different aspect of a facility such as inventory, equipment, or employees. Today, however, ...
Solutions CommunityWorkforce

Software + Machines + Workers = Highly Efficient, Real-Time Decision ...

Achieving a fully optimized warehouse — one that is highly efficient because it leverages data that enables management to make informed decisions in real-time — requires more than just software and controls, hardware solutions, and trained workers. Rather, it is ...
RoboticsSolutions Community

Supply Chain Adoption Trends In Collaborative Robotics

Designed to work safely and collaboratively alongside their human counterparts, interest in collaborative robots (cobots) has been on the rise. While part of that uptick can be attributed to the coronavirus pandemic, which will likely accelerate the adoption of cobots ...
EducationSolutions Community

Cybersecurity And Its Importance To Supply Chains

Cyberattacks — both passive and active — have been increasing in both frequency and financial impact, according to a white paper written by Bowling Green State University researchers MD Sarder and Matthew Haschak. The pair, who work in the Department ...