Preview ProMatDX 2021’s Must-See Technologies In Solutions Community’s Education Session

With this year’s installment of ProMatDX 2021 occurring entirely in a new online, digital format, you may be wondering how to find the latest must-see technologies while making sure you don’t miss a thing. To address those concerns and help attendees maximize their time, the members of MHI’s Solutions Community will host an education session highlighting the latest solutions for distribution, warehousing and manufacturing. The session is open to all ProMatDX attendees free of charge.
The seminar, “The Latest & Greatest Products & Services @ ProMatDX in 25 Minutes,” will be held on Wednesday, April 14 from 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Central time — which also makes it an ideal recap of the products and services participants might have overlooked during the first two days of the show. During the presentation, new technologies being demonstrated and presented by the industry’s leading organizations will be showcased, along with with conveniently accessible product briefs and exhibitor information. To help attendees stay focused on their objectives and reasons for attending the show, the session will detail what, why, and where to find more information about the latest offerings that address productivity, throughput, workforce, flexibility, peak volume and other challenges faced by operations worldwide.
Those who are unable to attend the Solutions Community session in person can still access the presentation and its accompanying audio via a recording to be made available online after ProMatDX concludes. Registration for the entire event — including all education seminars — is free.
Looking for more ideas about how the latest technologies can help your operation? Connect with the members of the MHI Solutions Community — including suppliers, integrators, consultants, media, academia and users — who collaborate on solutions worldwide and in virtually every major manufacturing and distribution sector. They represent the industry’s thought leaders on automation, software, hardware, equipment and services that support a fully integrated supply chain.