AGV and AMR Misconceptions
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) and Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) technology can be huge assets to warehouse operations. However, the adoption curve is relatively slow in implementing them, this is largely due to misconceptions about the types of contributions they can ...
Top Misconceptions of Mobile Automation
As mobile automation technology rapidly evolves, an increasing number of businesses are looking to adopt it to improve efficiency and productivity. However, there are several misconceptions about mobile automation that can prevent businesses from taking advantage of its benefits. In ...
Understanding the MAG Group
As the labor shortage grows and the adoption of automation grows along with it, so does the need for information about these tools. With that in mind, the MHI has an industry group dedicated to educating and informing users about ...
How Mobile Autonomous Vehicles Address E-Commerce, Automotive And Food/Beverage Handling ...
Operations considering an investment in mobile autonomous vehicles (MAVs) — such as automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) — have lots of questions. Among them: How will the system work in my application? What types of challenges ...
Mobile Autonomous Vehicles: Comparing On-Premise To Cloud-Based Hosting Options
When investing in a mobile autonomous vehicle (MAV) system — such as a fleet of automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) or autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) — warehouse operators increasingly have the choice of hosting the fleet management, monitoring, analytics, and control ...
Standardized Options Enable Flexible Customization Of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) ...
Often hailed for their inherent flexibility in terms of navigation, fleet expansion, and task adaptability, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are also offered in a variety of configurations and load capacities to support various material handling needs. Typically, the vehicles are ...
Three Ways Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) Are Helping Operations Successfully ...
The challenges faced by warehousing and distribution operations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have been widely reported: staffing challenges with employees absent due to illness, childcare needs, or concerns about contracting the virus at work; implementation of social ...
Why Pairing Forked AGVs With AMRs Delivers Better ROI
Companies considering an investment in mobile autonomous vehicles — such as autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) — sometimes erroneously believe that they have to exclusively choose one solution or the other. Often, as is the case ...
Updated Safety Standards For Autonomous Vehicles Detailed In MAG’s MODEX ...
At MODEX 2020, held this past March in Atlanta, members of the Mobile Automation Group (MAG) of MHI presented a free, on-floor seminar to attendees. Entitled “AGV/AMR Safety and New Regulations,” the 40-minute session’s slides and audio were recorded for ...
Dispelling 4 Common Misconceptions About AGVs
Due to the shortage of available labor and significant increases in the minimum wage, recent research from A.T. Kearney noted a jump in the overall employment costs index by 3.5% in 2018 for transportation and warehousing workers. Compounding this are ...