How Automated Micro-Fulfillment At The Retail Store Enhances Customer Service
While the retail headlines of 2020 were dominated by unprecedented growth in e-commerce, 2021 has marked the return of the brick-and-mortar store shopper. According to research from The NPD Group, “In 2020, total discretionary retail sales grew 9%; the e-commerce ...
Retailers Adapt Traditional Footprint To Accommodate Curbside Pickup
U.S. consumers spent more than $861 billion online in 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread, according to Digital Commerce 360. That represents a 44% year-over-year jump and the highest annual U.S. e-commerce growth in 20 years. Part of that growth ...
E-Grocery Growing Pains? How Automation Provides A Cure
In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and spread globally, tens of millions of U.S. consumers tried online grocery shoppers for the first time — and liked it. According to eMarketer, “Online grocery sales grew 54.0% in 2020 to reach ...
Six Ergonomic And Safety Advantages Of ASRS Technologies
In addition to transporting, storing, retrieving, lifting and lowering totes, cartons or trays of products at high rates of speed — then delivering them to a workstation for an operator to access — goods-to-person automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) ...
Six Ways Automation Addresses Old And New Labor Issues
Staffing distribution centers and warehouses was challenging even before COVID-19 emerged in 2020, as unemployment rates have remained historically low over the past several years while competition for scarce workers drove wages increasingly higher. With the onset of the pandemic ...
Goods-To-Person ASRS Technologies Address Multiple Labor Challenges
Pre-pandemic, e-commerce fulfillment centers and distribution centers serving a variety of sectors struggled to attract, hire, and retain qualified labor. Even among full-time hires, attendance could be spotty. And, in spite of the unprecedented job losses and furloughs over the ...
Switching To Automated, Goods-To-Person Fulfillment? Gather Company-Wide Input On Material ...
As more and more retailers seek to expand their e-commerce offerings, many in supply chains are looking to supplement their back-of-store fulfillment operations with more centralized, regional distribution center (DC) fulfillment. Goods-to-person (GTP) automated solutions located in the DC offer ...